Welcome to St Philip's Catholic Primary School
Every child at St Philip’s is valued for the individual they are. They are encouraged and supported to make the best of their abilities, to learn and grow academically, emotionally and spiritually. This model underpins our Mission statement and our Values.
We take enormous pride in witnessing that growth, in working with parents and carers to nurture children’s potential and celebrating their excellent efforts, achievements and behaviour. We want the children who leave our school to make the most of every learning opportunity so that they can grow into the best people they can be, fulfilling their dreams and God’s special plan for them
Come and discover more about the life of our school, the achievements of our children and our involvement with the local community of Arundel, West Sussex and beyond.
Mrs Lucy Horne

A culture of high expectation
Pupils are happy and safe at school. They feel valued and supported. They thrive because teaching is effective and opportunities for wider development are plentiful. Pupils are encouraged and supported to do their best in all aspects of school life. A culture of high expectations surrounds them.
- Ofsted Inspection Report 2021