The aims of our curriculum
We aim to inspire a love of learning in all of our children while encouraging and supporting them to make the best of their abilities. We aim to help them to learn and grow academically, emotionally and spiritually to become engaged citizens in the wider world. This informs every decision we make and the curriculum we have developed.
How is our curriculum organised?
In Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is then extended into the beginning of Year 1. In Years 2,3,4 and 5 we follow the Primary National Curriculum.
We follow a Programme of Study for Religious Education called “Come & See” which has been approved by the Bishops of England and Wales. In Year R, 1, and 6 and we follow the new and approved scheme RED 'To Know You More Clearly'. These programmes also integrate our Education for Personal Relationships curriculum. Some strands of learning are still taught discretely, where this suits the objectives.
The school uses the Primary Framework for Literacy and Maths and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for all the following subjects:
English: Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing
Mathematics: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Number, Shape Space & Measures, Handling Data
Science: Scientific enquiry, Life Processes and Living Things, Materials and their properties, Physical processes. Knowledge, Skills & Understanding underpins all of the above.
Design & Technology: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, developing, planning & communicating ideas, Working with tools, equipment, materials & components to make quality products, Evaluating processes & products.
Computing: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Coding, Programming, Finding things out, Developing ideas & making things happen, Exchanging & sharing information, Reviewing, modifying & evaluating work as it progresses.
History: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Chronological understanding, Knowledge & understanding of events, people, & changes in the past, Historical interpretation, Historical enquiry, organisation & communication.
Geography: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Geographical enquiry & skills, Knowledge & understanding of places, Knowledge & understanding of patterns & processes, Knowledge & understanding of environmental change & sustainable development.
Art & Design: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Exploring & developing ideas, Investigating & making art, craft & design, Evaluating & developing work.
Music: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, controlling sounds through singing & playing – performing skills, Creating & developing musical ideas – composing skills, Responding & reviewing – appraising skills, Listening & applying knowledge & understanding.
Physical Education: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding, Acquiring & developing skills, Selecting & applying skills, tactics, & compositional ideas, Evaluating & improving performance, Knowledge & understanding of fitness & health. (This includes: Dance, Games activities, & Gymnastic activities. In addition the following are taught in Key Stage 2: water safety and swimming, Athletic activities & Outdoor & adventurous activities
RHSE and EPR: this is taught throughout KS1 and KS2 using a combination of National Curriculum and Diocesan Guidelines & programmes of Study.
Modern Foreign Language (MFL): Our chosen modern foreign language is French. This consists of learning basic vocabulary and playing games and role play using French as well as learning about customs, traditions and the culture of France.
We know that children learn best when they are engaged in their learning and when it is creative and stimulating. We therefore deliver as much of the curriculum as possible through our termly Creative Curriculum Topics.
Reception Class | Summer | What a Wonderful World |
Year 1 | Autumn | Knights and Castles |
Year 2 | Autumn | Explorers |
Year 3 | Autumn | Stone Age to Iron Age |
Year 4 | Autumn | Courageous Quests |
Year 5 | Autumn | Vikings |
Year 6 | Autumn | Ancient Greece |
Whenever possible, the links between the different subjects are identified and are planned into the termly topic. However some aspects of the teaching for the different subjects will not fit into the Creative Curriculum topic and will be taught separately. At the beginning of every term each class teacher sends out an overview to parents of what is being taught in each subject and how it links with their Topic, along with suggestions for how the children’s learning can be supported at home.
Copies of all the latest Curriculum Plans for each year group can be viewed here:
Yr R Curriculum Overview Autumn 1 & 2
Yr 1 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Yr 2 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Y3 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Yr 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Yr 5 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Y6 Curriculum Overview Autumn
We ask our children to undertake certain tasks at home, because we believe that homework encourages many positive aspects in children’s learning, and, in particular, their attitude towards it. It also supports the essential need for partnership between home and school in the children’s education.
We seek to ensure progression by the introduction of homework early in Key Stage 1. By gradually developing the amount and content of the homework as the children progress through the school, they are adequately prepared for the expectations regarding homework in secondary school.
Year 4 - Homework Autumn 2024 Year 6 Homework - Autumn 2024