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St Philip's Catholic Primary School



Science at St Philip’s School intends to promote a love of learning by encouraging enquiry and questioning within a safe learning environment. Children develop their learning across a variety of Science units of work (following the National Curriculum) and expanding across other areas of learning in order to make this a vibrant and meaningful part of each child’s experience.

Within each Key Stage, pupils learn at an appropriate level, key themes within the spheres of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. These skills are revisited and consolidated in order to facilitate new learning and meet the requirements to ensure a smooth transition between key stages and on to secondary school.


By encouraging children to think, and ask their own questions, teachers facilitate a love of enquiry and allow pupils to influence their own learning in an ambitious and imaginative way.   Annual Science Week events serve to consolidate and broaden the reach and understanding of our place in the wider world, and what it means to apply our skills through enquiry-based learning. All ages and abilities of children are supported in expanding their scientific knowledge, skills and understanding. Science lessons are a time to consider what we think we know and challenge some of our our preconceptions. A time to wonder ‘What if…?’ and to consider how we might find and prove our theories using the 5 Scientific Areas of Learning that all children are familiar with.  Provision of after-school Eco and Science Clubs, Forest School and Gardening times within the school grounds and class visits linked to topics that may be harder to grasp (for instance, Planetarium, Stone Age Settlements) serve to enrich the learning of all children. Cross-curricular links are encouraged in our Scientific Enquiry, and links to professionals who work in areas of the scientific community are regularly invited in to school (for instance, local Dentist, Pharmacist, GP and Countryside Warden).


As our pupils engage in a range of styles and areas of learning, as well as research topics, their understanding is nurtured and grows. Pupils gain insight through their experiences and these in turn, form part of a memorable and relevant part of their Scientific development. This learning is part of a wider vision that St Philip’s promotes – a desire for each child to see the wonders of creation, and their part within our world, as being vital and valuable. St Philip’s aims to promote in its children a sense of awe, wonder and responsibility for creation.

Science Progression of skills

Primary National Curriculum – Key Stage 1 and 2 – Science PDF